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Top Ubuntu Blogs August 24, 2015

Most of the world powerful companies put their faith in Open Source to run their businesses, Most of the world greatest information retrieval, processing and dissemination companies engages Linux based operating systems, application servers. Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Cent OS, Free BSD, PC-BSD, Apache Software Foundation(to its credit there are 300+ open source projects driven by Apache community, See all projects on this node: Apache Software Projects).  Most small medium business and StartUp are able to survive in the market due to the adoption of Open Source technology stacks which helps them to keep their operations costs down and caters to the clients and customers. Truly a community driven sharing model which empowers the most powerful players and individuals. Even Indian supreme judicial body, Supreme Court of India adopts Ubuntu to engage for day to day operations.

Some of the top blogs from which newbie to experienced developers, contributors and Users can learn about Ubuntu distro are mentioned in this article:

  1. OMG Ubuntu
  2. Web Update !!
  3. Planet Ubuntu
  4. Canonical Design
  5. HTG: Ubuntu
  6. Mark blog
  7. Ubuntu Podcast
  8. The Fridge: Official U-News
  9. Ubuntu Geek
  10. Ubuntu Tips and Tricks : Blog discontinued though Great content for starters
  11. Ubuntu Tutorials and Guides
  12. Jono Bacon blog
  13. Package guy
  14. Ubuntu Buzz
  15. Tech Drive
  16. Ubuntu Vibes

I will update this list as more wonderful blogs are encountered while surfing.

  1. Deubuntu=Debian+Ubuntu